Friday, June 19, 2009


sorry this took me a lil extra time to post. My laptop wouldnt stay on long enough for me to even open a folder before crashing, so I had to figure a way around it in order to get this picture out. This problem was unforseen and I did everything I could as fast as I could to rectify it., I've finally got it now, I just hope it will still count. Thnx, Have a fun 2 weeks everbody =)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Heather Hamilton

Confused Alphabet


What I'm submitting is completely different from the idea I started with. The other idea began to take way too long so I decided change of game plan and did this instead. Hopefully it isn't too much of a failure.

Final note of interest is that there are two hidden messages in this image. I'm not sure how obvious they are but to my eyes they're there.

Missy's Final


James Scarlato II- EechoRune

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tom's Alphabet


I did an egraving into armor idea, i think it worked out pretty well

Jessica's ABC's

Redo a Past Assignment

I threw this one together after I asked a friend of mine how should do this assignment (using words to tell about me) He simply replied, "Dan the man". I said sure why not...and here I just went about the same concept; deleted everything in the rubix cube and got an outline, drew the warped abject with lines, and stamped the cube outline around. Put in some background gradients to finish


This is Hover Boy. Hover boy was a comic book super hero in the 1950s.


Tom's Typo


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 9 Project

this is not my final one. I will hopefully have another one posted here soon, but this one is here now so I don't get a late grade. :)

Business Card (Tracee)

Kingdom Hearts poster

When we were given the poster assignment I had two ideas rolling around my head. I eventually chose the Death Note idea because it was easier. But when given the option to do another poster I knew I had to go with my other idea, a poster for my favorite game series Kingdom Hearts. This has been far more difficult and has been driving me bonkers for a week. >_< This is the result of my idea and a week's worth of frustration. It's alright I guess but I can't say I'm completely happy with the way it turned out nor is it even close to how I originally envisioned it. The main reason for my anger and frustration was my inability to use Illustrator to do what I wanted. (my two week break will now be spent learning how to use Adobe Illustrator properly so this situation doesn't happen again).

Finding Nemo

James Scarlato II Sniper



Black and White Ad Jessica hobb

Name Redone

the second poster

i went with a game poster...yes i play Warhammer 40K...and it's awesome

awesome, with an E

name project redone

Mario Richardson Business Card 5/4/09



Movie Poster By Jessica Hobb

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009