Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kingdom Hearts poster

When we were given the poster assignment I had two ideas rolling around my head. I eventually chose the Death Note idea because it was easier. But when given the option to do another poster I knew I had to go with my other idea, a poster for my favorite game series Kingdom Hearts. This has been far more difficult and has been driving me bonkers for a week. >_< This is the result of my idea and a week's worth of frustration. It's alright I guess but I can't say I'm completely happy with the way it turned out nor is it even close to how I originally envisioned it. The main reason for my anger and frustration was my inability to use Illustrator to do what I wanted. (my two week break will now be spent learning how to use Adobe Illustrator properly so this situation doesn't happen again).

1 comment:

anthony said...

This is still really well done, and I don't have anything poor to say about it. This would have to be a fine arts class to level any criticism against it, you have more going on here than many of your fellow students, a lot of effort was clearly put into this.
